Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Museum of Flight

Friday morning we went to the Museum of Flight. We stayed there 2.5 hours and could have easily stayed 2.5 more. There were planes and aircraft from all genres along with interactive displays and a kids' play area. It was awesome! And also very educational.This was a simulated space station. Aiden walked through this several times.Here he is "looking down" to Earth.I knew this place would have planes, but it was beyond what I expected. Planes on the floor and covering almost every inch above us.There were a few that had cockpits open to the kids. Aiden would patiently in line and say, "Wait your turn! Wait your turn!". Usually this meant, "Kid in front of me please hurry up so I can have a turn!".The kids play area had some interactive displays that taught flight dynamics, etc. Aiden as just glad he could run and play!We decided to eat lunch in the cafe because we knew Aiden would start getting cranky and we didn't have time to leave and come back. He had the biggest, softest PB&J and ate almost the entire thing.There were also several planes on display outside. We were able to walk through a retired Air Force One.
The last part of the musuem was WWI and WWII planes. We pretty much had to ruch through this part as we had to catch a ferry to the peninsula. The main purpose of this trip was to see Andy and Lisa get married - and they did! Did I capture a single pic? Nope. Aiden slept through the ceremony (just like he did at Alex and Amber's wedding) and most of the reception. It was a pretty wedding and we're glad to have Lisa in our family!

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