Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Haven't Forgotten

Our little Makenzie is going to think we forgot about her as I have not been good about doing my monthly blog updates.  I assure you, sweet girl, that I have not.  You are your brother keep me busy, busy, busy.  Rest assured we enjoy every day and are amazed by you. 

At four months we started giving you rice cereal and you somewhat enjoyed eating it.  After I started adding a tiny bit of applesauce to it, you really warmed up to the idea of solid food.  You still nurse 5 times a day and we give you one serving of cereal per day.  You learned how to roll over from your back to your stomach and enjoyed practicing that skill.  At the beginning of May we took you to Alabama to meet your great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and a few of daddy's cousins.  You also got to meet your second cousin, Makala.  She was born just a couple months after you.  At four months you were wearing 3-6 month clothes and we moved you to a size 3 diaper.  Some of your 6-9 month clothes fit too.  Especially when you have on your cloth diapers.  You are laughing and cooing and love to talk.  You are a great traveler and will sleep the better part of long trips.  We have no problem giving you a bottle when necessary and you'll take formula on the rare occassion I'm not around to feed you.

At five months we went on a vacation to Kansas City.  Again, you traveled like a champ and just hung out in your stroller or in your carrier while we went to museums and ball parks.  You sleep so good at night and will only wake up once to eat.  Mommy thanks you for that!  You are also a great napper and will take two decent naps each day.  While we were in KC, you started "army crawling".  We were sooo surprised!  You were on the bed with Daddy and you just started inching over to him.

At 6 months you are "army crawling" everywhere and love to be on the floor.  Nothing of Aiden's is safe and he is learning to keep his toys picked up!  At your 6 month appointment you weighed 16 lbs 2 oz (50th percentile) and were 26.5" long (72nd percentile).  You LOVE to eat.  We have given you several veggies and you love them all.  You are also a big fan of Gerber Puffs and have learned how to feed them to yourself.  We are just beginning to give you fruits but you have had a few bites of raw fruits and have chewed those right up!  You are cutting some bottom teeth and one has begun to poke its way through.  Won't be long and we'll really be able to see it.  At naptime and night time you put your self to sleep without and fussing.  Again, we thank you for that.  You wake up around 6 to eat and then you back to sleep until 8 or 9.  You are pretty much wearing only 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes and some of your 12 month outfits already fit you!  You adore Aiden and he is pretty smitten with you too.  The two of you will play on the floor together and will just laugh and laugh at each other.  It melts my heart to watch!

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