Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!

On Aiden's birthday we celebrated at home with presents and a homemade (by Mommy!) cake!We forgot to tell him the candle wasn't exactly edible. Oops! He dug right into the cake and really enjoyed getting the "frinkles" off the top.Not as messy as last year, but still just as cute. Can't believe how big he looks!And then onto the presents. He was so excited about the presents that it was hard to get a lot of good pics. He did sit still long enough to play with his new tracks and talking James engine.Still working on his form for t-ball! ha! Aiden and Daddy have a lot of practicing to do! He also got some animal "maggots" (magnets) and a big metal dump truck. What a great way to celebrate turning two!

Celebrating at School

Aiden got really good at celebrating his birthday this year. He had three different parties! The first celebration (on April 28) was with his friends at Creation Corner. I made caterpillar cupcakes, which he thought were really cool. Diggin' into some yummy cupcakes!Aiden and Jacoby are only two days apart, so we celebrated together!All his little friends were just too cute. Gotta love how they ate the icing and left the cupcakes!
We are so thankful for our teachers and friends at school! Aiden has had a great year and has learned so much!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Thank goodness we did our Easter pics a couple weeks before Easter! Easter Sunday was WET!!! The day Monty took these was perfect and Aiden was in a pretty cooperative mood. All day long I told him we were going to take pictures so he needed to sit real still and say, "Cheese!" for Daddy. He totally understood what was expected. We got to the park, he went and sat down by the flowers, looked at Monty, smiled, and said, "Cheese!". After that moment we were "chasing" him down trying to get good shots! LOL Next time, we'll talk about the fact that he has to be still for more than one picture. Oh well, such is the life of a two year old! As usual, Monty still got some great ones!Easter weekend Grammy came to visit so we made homemade rolls and monkey bread.Aiden enjoyed dying eggs. I was impressed at how easily the dye came off his hands. And believe me, there was a lot of dye on his little hands.We made rice krispy treats in the shape of eggs.As soon as we got one made, it was eaten! lolLook at the yummy eggs! We sent them home to Papa for egg salad sandwiches.The Easter Bunny came to visit while we were at church.Aiden was so excited about Cookie Monster. He immediately grabbed it said, "Give Elmo a hug!". Like they were long lost buddies that had finally been reunited. So sweet.Very seriously reading his new Toy Story 3 book.

We al had a wonderful weekend are so thankful we have the resurrection to celebrate - not just this Sunday, but every day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Museum of Flight

Friday morning we went to the Museum of Flight. We stayed there 2.5 hours and could have easily stayed 2.5 more. There were planes and aircraft from all genres along with interactive displays and a kids' play area. It was awesome! And also very educational.This was a simulated space station. Aiden walked through this several times.Here he is "looking down" to Earth.I knew this place would have planes, but it was beyond what I expected. Planes on the floor and covering almost every inch above us.There were a few that had cockpits open to the kids. Aiden would patiently in line and say, "Wait your turn! Wait your turn!". Usually this meant, "Kid in front of me please hurry up so I can have a turn!".The kids play area had some interactive displays that taught flight dynamics, etc. Aiden as just glad he could run and play!We decided to eat lunch in the cafe because we knew Aiden would start getting cranky and we didn't have time to leave and come back. He had the biggest, softest PB&J and ate almost the entire thing.There were also several planes on display outside. We were able to walk through a retired Air Force One.
The last part of the musuem was WWI and WWII planes. We pretty much had to ruch through this part as we had to catch a ferry to the peninsula. The main purpose of this trip was to see Andy and Lisa get married - and they did! Did I capture a single pic? Nope. Aiden slept through the ceremony (just like he did at Alex and Amber's wedding) and most of the reception. It was a pretty wedding and we're glad to have Lisa in our family!

A Waterfall and Some Trains

Thursday morning the plan was to pick up Alex and Amber from the airport. However, Alex came down with a bad case of the flu and strep throat. That meant the best decision was for them to stay home. So, we decided to head to Snoqualmie. We visited Snoqalmie Falls and the Northwest Railway Museum. It was beautiful weather in the morning so we were able to enjoy the falls. After lunch it rained, so that kept us from walking around to all the trains. We did get to look at some though.Aiden loved this part of the trip and was quite proud of himself when he learned to blow his train whistle. The gift shop was full of Thomas the Train toys so he had a great time looking at those too!